Номиниран директор

A Nominee Director is someone registered on your behalf as a director of an entity. Usually, your nominee director is on public records.
The Nominee Director’s agreement remains private and secret.

Scope of Service

Be sure to have read our guidelines.

What do I get for the stated price?

  • Nominee Director’s name
  • Nominee Director’s address
  • Nominee Director’s signature on any document provided by you (Пощенски Такси apply after the 1st set)
  • Documents are sent by air mail, otherwise requested by you
  • Any notification of postal mail sent to the Nominee Director (postage or scanning Такси apply)

Documents provided

    • Nominee Director Agreement
    • Indemnification Agreement
    • Power of Attorney
    • Blank letter of resignation

On request, usually not needed:

  • copy of ID1 of the nominee director (purpose needed)

Steps & time

    • Once your payment is accepted, we send you a commercial agreement by email2 (1 day)
    • You sign the agreement
    • [Optional] You send to us all the documents you want your nominee to sign (1 day)
    • [Optional] A blank the letter of resignation is sent to you by email or post.3 (1 day)

Estimated turnaround time: 1 day (depending on how fast you follow-up).

Why do I need this service?

Check our tutorial for examples of use.


Check our Такси страница.


You need to be pre-approved, please use this questionnaire to proceed, 3 minutes required.


  1. copy of passport if individual director, copy of certificate of incorporation if company director
    if notarized and/or apostilled, additional fees apply
  2. This commercial agreement will need to be signed electronically
  3. postal fee applies
Странична лента