Omvendt nomineret aktionær
A Nominee Shareholder service is the sale of someone’s else name for the beneficial ownership of the customer. A Reverse Nominee Shareholder service is the opposite of a Nominee Shareholder service: it is the sale of a (perceived) beneficial ownership, leaving the name of the customer on public records. Another name for this service is “Beneficial Ownership Nominee“.
The Reverse Nominee Shareholder is based on two agreements:
- one remaining private and secret (unveiling the real beneficial ownership: you) ;
- the other could be (bør være?) offentlig.
If the public agreement is released to a third-party, this third-party will think you are acting as a nominee shareholder for us.
Tjenestens omfang
Sørg for at have læst vores Retningslinjer.
This service is not available in jurisidictions where the disclosure of the real beneficial ownership is required by law; that is, entities registered in:
- Australia
- Bermuda
- China (Mainland)
- Cyprus: Limited Partnerships, and International Partnerships
- Greece
- Jersey
- Mauritius: GBC 1
- Poland
- Romania
- Seychelles
- Spain
- Switzerland
- Vanuatu (local companies, banks, insurances, and subsidiaries of public companies)
Hvad får jeg for den angivne pris?
- Reverse Nominee Shareholder’s name
- Reverse Nominee Shareholder’s address
- Reverse Nominee Shareholder’s signature on any document provided by you (porto Gebyrer Anvend efter 1. sæt)
- Dokumenter sendes med luftpost, på anden måde anmodet af dig
- Any notification of postal mail sent to the Reverse Nominee Shareholder (porto eller scanning Gebyrer anvende)
Dokumenter leveret
- Reverse Nominee Shareholder Agreement
- Nominee Shareholder Agreement
- Aftale om skadesløsholdelse
- Blankt opsigelsesbrev
På forespørgsel, normalt ikke nødvendigt:
- kopi af ID1 of the reverse nominee shareholder (Nødvendigt formål)
Trin & Tidspunkt
Anslået ekspeditionstid: 1 dag (afhængigt af hvor hurtigt du følger op).
Hvorfor har jeg brug for denne service?
Tjek vores Tutorial For eksempler på brug.
Tjek vores Gebyrer side.
Du skal forhåndsgodkendes, Brug venligst dette spørgeskema at fortsætte, 3 minutter påkrævet.