자주하는 질문
How can you be so cheap?
PROMINEE® goal is precisely to be a low-cost service, and the business model is to be high volume and for low risk clients. If you are not confident by our level of service: you can always check our list of competitors if you think you deserve to pay more! Now that you are still here: if you are genuinely conducting an honest and proper business then you are considered low-risk. With low-risks come low-prices.
Which service should I pick?
We can’t know better than you, and you’ll have the final decision (of course we can still make a recommendation). Every strategy or plan is so different, depending on the person, situation, goal… We hope the information provided on our website will be a good guidance. In the meantime, you may check our 지도 시간. You can always open a ticket if you need our expertise (a £50 GBP minimum consulting fee will apply).
Is your service available in/for my country?
We have designed a 설문지 for this. Instant answer within 3 minutes! It mostly depends on where the entity is incorporated.
Who can benefit from your services?
Either an individual or a company. You may check our 지침 for a list of required documents in either case.
In which countries are the nominees located?
Please see the jurisdictions page for details.
Can I stop the service whenever I want? Will I get a refund?
Most of our services come with blank letters of resignation, which can be dated and signed at any time. Please contact us before sending them out (the shipping address might vary).
All of our services are non-refundable. You do not have to renew them: but please notify us if you are not renewing them.
Can I hold IP (Intellectual Property) assets through a nominee?
Absolutely! Bear in mind that the nominee will become the prima facie owner of that IP. 이 서비스는 브렉시트로 인해 영국 기업들에게 매우 인기가 있습니다: 자회사를 유지할 필요 없이 지명자를 통해 EU 자산을 보유하기 쉽기 때문입니다..
Do you sign documents written in a foreign language?
물론, 그것이 무엇에 관한 것인지 간략하게 설명하십시오. 그러나 문서에 아포스티유가 필요한 경우: 문서에 첨부된 영어 번역문을 제공해야 합니다., 또는 페이지를 둘로 나눕니다.: 한쪽에 영어가 있습니다..
How many different nominees can you provide?
Please see the jurisdictions page for details.
Why are your fees denominated in GBP (British Pounds)?
대부분의 경쟁업체는 영국에 위치하고 있으므로 경쟁업체와 경쟁하기 위해 처음부터 모든 수수료를 GBP로 표시하기로 결정했습니다. 고객은 해당 통화로 가격을 변환하기만 하면 됩니다.
Can the nominee transfer money for us?
아니. 우리의 지침 이것에 대해 명확합니다.. 그러나 우리는 그것이 문제가 아니라고 믿습니다. 대위변제 순서 발행 가능.
How can I access the money of the company if you are acting as both a nominee shareholder and a nominee manager?
몇 가지 해결책:
- you are given a Power of Attorney to open a bank account of the company: you only will be the signatory of this bank account (노트: it is now standard compliance to disclose beneficial ownership to the bank where the account is opened)
- whether the company registry is public or not, you may want to be an additional manager or secretary (which will open a bank account for the company)
- you can use any of our Reverse Nominee Service (just in case somebody does not want to believe that you are detached from the business).
In all cases you will notice that we are not getting close to the profits/losses accumulating in the company (as per our 지침)
Can you recommend a bank for my company?
For many years the industry charged (outrageous) fees for a recommendation or a bank introduction. Those intermediaries bring no added value. The only fair (비록 편향되어 있지만) 중개인은 귀하에게 무료로 은행을 추천해야 합니다. (많은 사람들이 은행에서 수수료를 돌려받습니다.). 은행 소개 사업은 심각한 위험에 처해 있습니다: 모든 관할 구역의 은행 목록을 항상 찾을 수 있습니다: 은행에 라이선스를 부여하는 규제 기관에 연결하기만 하면 됩니다.. 이 비즈니스 모델의 마지막 지푸라기는 잘 짜여진 것입니다 (& 무료) Streber의 목록.
Delivery of documents by post is too long for me, do you have something faster?
전자 서명을 사용할 수 있습니다, 시간을 몇 시간으로 단축!
Can I ask for more than one service for the same entity?
물론! 첫 번째 기본 서비스로 시작하려면, 그냥 대답 해 주세요 설문지.
What methods of payment do you accept?
사증, 마스터카드(Mastercard), 아멕스, 제이씨비, & PayPal을 통한 Diner's Club. ᆞ 은행 송금.
다른 결제 수단을 사용하고 싶습니다.? 문의하기 그리고 우리는 그것을 조사 할 것입니다!
I have another question not answred in this FAQ
Please contact us, 최대한 빨리 답변 드리겠습니다.