Reseller Program

Are you an incorporator?… Do you provide company formation services? Do you want to run your own nominees’ business without the management hassle? Do you speak more languages than we do?

Enroll in our reseller program!

You have the customers, we have this opportunity for you:

  • you set the prices: charge the amount you want to your customers ;
  • low minimum deposit to start ;
  • discounted prices ;
  • pass on the risks to us, so that you have time to concentrate on the other aspects of your business ;
  • give an additional layer of privacy to your customers ;
  • single of point of contact (you to us), or many points of contacts (your customers contact us directly) ;
  • other optional features.

Discounted prices

  • 5 or more services: 5% discount on all fees except Office
  • 10 or more services: 10% discount on all fees except Office

Freedom of

  • setting YOUR reselling prices thus PROFITS
  • re-branding
  • collaboration with another third party


  • subject to approval
  • same Guidelines
  • £250 GBP upfront minimum deposit (not refundable)
  • no email nor post marketing: you should use other channels
  • enforceable contracts remain in English or French between PROMINEE and the Reseller, but you/we can attach another non-binding language translation for your customers
  • you must have at least 5 rendered services per year before signing-up (except if you want the option below, this requirement doesn’t apply)
  • this offer may be subject to change, but changes will only apply to new resellers.

Optional features

For a £400 GBP start-up fee, then £100 GBP per year:

  • your own website (a clone of this one, hosted on our servers)
  • your own brand
  • you are free to edit the content (for example, if you speak another language you can translate all pages)
  • “earn commissions” option, and benefit from discounted prices (no merchant account hassle)

For an additional £1500 GBP per year fee:

    • exclusive language rights (for example, if you speak Italian and you go for this option, we will not accept Italian speaking resellers anymore).

We cannot grant exclusive rights for the following countries:

  • Norway
  • Sweden
  • Finland
  • Denmark

We cannot grant exclusive language rights for the following languages:

  • English
  • French
  • Japanese
  • Indonesian
  • Malay

Enroll now

Contact us to enroll.
